Monday, January 5, 2009

Why should anyone care about Public Policy?

Like many students, I stumbled upon the major, after deciding that the major I wrote on my college application was not for me. I admit that I knew very little about what I would be studying and what its relevance would be.

Why should anyone care about Public Policy? What kept me going for two and half years?

There are very few subjects you can study that has as many real-world implications as Public Policy. It resides at the intersection between the decisions being made everything in the halls of Congress, the formal and informal dealings in businesses and boardrooms and what the media chooses to broadcast and the angles they choose to report it. At the intersection of all those interactions, that's where you and I are.

Why should anyone care about Public Policy?
Because of the issues that affect us everyday: Social Security, Welfare programs, Education vouchers, Health Insurance, immigration policies, etc

It helps us understand why the Government makes the decisions that it does, when those decisions are successful and when they're doomed to be a failure.

Public Policy empowers us to stand up for our rights and those of others.

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